※ 作法:务必使用打蛋器搅拌
成品制作方法 Basic Recipe
建议比例:粉:水 = 1:6
Powder:Water = 1:6
Add 1 pack of pudding powder (340g) into 2100ml of boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. Cool down the mixture to 70℃~80℃, stir up a bit and strain the mixture into the molds, chill 2~3 hours before serving.
美味升级版--蛋糕夹层 Upgrade Recipe—Cake filling
建议比例:粉:水:鲜奶油 = 1:7.5:0.6
Powder:Water:Cream = 1:7.5:0.6
将2550c.c的水煮沸熄火后,倒入布丁粉1包(340g)并搅拌均匀,开小火边搅拌续煮到沸腾即可熄火。加入200c.c的鲜奶油(动物性佳)再搅拌均匀 (无需再煮沸),经细网过滤,倒入容器中冷却,冷藏2~3小时后即可食用。
Add 1 pack of pudding powder (340g) into 2550ml of boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. Add 200ml of cream and stir again (do not cook again), strain the mixture into the molds, chill 2~3 hours before serving.
美味升级版--布丁奶茶/杯装布丁 Upgrade Recipe—Milk Tea With Pudding
建议比例:粉:水:鲜奶油 = 1:9:0.6
Powder:Water:Cream = 1:7.5:0.6
将3060c.c的水煮沸熄火后,倒入布丁粉1包(340g)并搅拌均匀,开小火边搅拌续煮到沸腾即可熄火。加入200c.c的鲜奶油(动物性佳)再搅拌均匀 (无需再煮沸),经细网过滤,倒入容器中冷却,冷藏2~3小时后即可食用。
Add 1 pack of pudding powder (340g) into 3060ml of boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. Add 200ml of cream and stir again (do not cook again), strain the mixture into the molds, chill 2~3 hours before serving.